Q: Can the program and test be photocopied?
A: No. Only the original numbered copy is good for certification. The booklet numbers are assigned to your account for one use. Duplication of the program, questions or answers or providing the answers in advance to a trainee is grounds for decertification or denial of certification by the ABC. Regulation 20-X-12-.10 Integrity of Examinations
Q: In what form is the media available?
A: In CD PowerPoint with audio voice over for both On Premise and Off Premise courses.
Q :Can you copy the forms and signs.
A: Yes. All forms and signage may be copied.
Q: You speak of Application for Certification and Report of Server/Seller/Manager Training forms in the program. Where can I find them and how do I tell them apart?
A: They are in the back of all Trainer's and Trainee books and have the names on the top of the forms.
Q: Do I have to mail a Application for Certification every time I train someone?
A: No. The Application for Certification is used only once (per license type), for original certification. Remember to answer the questions and have it notorized.
Q: When do I use a Report of Server/Seller/Manager Training?
A: Every time you train. But you only mail it for the first training. For additional classes just keep the completed report on file.
Q: Is the Semi-Annual Update Form important?
A: Yes. You must fill one out and have it signed by your employees every 6 months (March/April and then again in September/October) to maintain certification.
Q: Does the ABC require a $35 payment for each person who is trained.
A: No. The fee is an annual fee of $35 per license prefix (beer, wine, liquor), but not tobacco.
Q: I am transferring to P.A.S.T. from a previous provider. Is it difficult or cost extra?
A: No. Just fill out the Transfer of Provider Form included in the Trainer's and Trainee books and mail/fax it to the ABC. There is no charge.
Q: I have completed Responsible Vendor training but have not received my ABC license yet. Can I file my Responsible Vendor Application without a current ABC license number?
A: No. You must wait to file until you are able to provide your current ABC number. The ABC Responsible Vendor division will then provide you another license that indicates certification.
Q: When filing my Appication for Certification it says cash or checks are acceptable, is that correct?
A: The ABC is in the process of changing the form. Please DO NOT send cash. A check provides you with a record of payment and the ABC is not set up to process your cash payment.
Q: Ater training and sending my Application(s) for Certification and Report(s) of Server/Seller/Manager Training to the ABC along with the required fees will I get a letter of certification?
A: No. The ABC will provide you a new ABC license to show certification. The ABC will add a 610 or 620 Responsible Vendor prefix depending on the number of licenses you have (beer/wine) to your ABC license.
Q: Is my annual Responsible Vendor certification automatically renewed?
A: No. You must renew your certification when you renew your ABC license each year and pay the annual fee of $35 per license prefix (beer,wine,liquor).
Q: Who must complete the ABC RVP exam?
A: All Trainers, MOD's, Servers, Managers, Sellers or Bartenders (anyone who can serve alcohol or approve/disapprove an alcohol sale).
Q: How soon must they complete training?
A: Within 90 days for certification and within 30 days for new employees after certification.
Q: What if they have been RVP trained at another employer in Alabama?
A: Unless they are a transfer from a company's same corporate owned and operated location, that is currently RVP trained and certified, they must be trained and tested again within 30 days.
Q: After the new hired or rehired employee is RVP trained and tested and recieves a passing score, are they required to retake the exam?
A: As long as the employee continues employment with the same licensed business and does not leave employment, only one original exam must be on file. If the the employee is rehired or given a new I-9 date, then they must be retrained and retested.
Q: How long do I have to mail my completed Application for Certification and Report of Server/Seller Training forms to the ABC after training.
A: 90 days for certification.
Q: Do I mail the completed exams to the ABC or PAST?
A: NO do not mail your exams. Keep them in file for ABC review.
Q: Do all employees complete all questions on the test.
A: Yes
Q: What do I do if a new hire has exceeded 30 days and has not been trained.
A: Train and test the employee as soon as this fact is discovered.
Q: What is a passing score?
A: 80%
Q: How do I get more exam books with the yellow original inserted test?
A: Contact George Burgess at 256.895.0403 or 256.509.7610 or e-mail at past@knology.net.
Q: What do employees do if they miss any exam questions?
A: Trainers must review the incorrect answers with the employee and the incorrect answers must be corrected and initialed by the employee.
Q: Must ALL blank spaces on the exam be completed by employees or manager.
A: Yes all must be completed and the trainers and employees signatures signed.
Q: Do I keep ex-employee's exams?
A: Yes for 3 years.
Q: My "In House Trainer" has quit. What do I do?
A: Send another employee to a Train the Trainer class. It is best to have at least 2 Trainers on staff to avoid this situation.
Q: What are the course I.D. numbers asked for on the Report of Server/Seller/Manager Training.
A: They are listed on the front of your Trainee book, Trainer book and on the CD PowerPoint.
Off Premise Seller/Manager...117-01/02
On Premise Server/Manager...117-03/04
Additional and duplicate instructions can be found in your Trainee book and Trainer's book and explained in detail on the CD-R PowerPoint data disc.
For others questions: Contact George at www.past@knology.net
Fort Payne
Thanks, George. You have provided excellent service in our city during our sales ramp up...you have been prompt with training and certification and I would have no trouble recommending your services to anyone.
Jim McGee, City Clerk
City of Fort Payne
100 Alabama Avenue N.
Fort Payne, AL 35967-2052
PH: (256) 845-1524
FAX: (256) 845-2987
E-Mail: jimcmcgee@fortpayne.org
City of Athens
Thanks for all of the help you've been to me over the past few years concerning the Responsible Vendor Program. It's nice to be able to make one phone call to you about an alcohol applicant knowing that you'll contact them promptly and schedule a training session. I really appreciate your professionalism and quick service and because of that, I always refer the applicants to you, exclusively.
John Hamilton
City Clerk
City of Athens, AL
P. O. Box 1089
Athens, AL 35612
(256) 233-8729, phone
(256) 233-8721, fax
Red Robin Gourmet Burgers
George: Thank you for your continued support and involvement with us!!
Krista Albera
Regional Training Manager
(720) 493-2679 - Fax Number
Copyright © 2025 Professional Alcohol Seller's Training LLC - All Rights Reserved.